That same demon now disguises itself as Rajah Tarek, Kalinda’s late husband and a man who has never stopped haunting her. Upon taking control of the palace and the army, the demon brands Kalinda and her companions as traitors to the empire. They flee across the sea, seeking haven in the Southern Isles.
In Lestari, Kalinda’s powers are not condemned, as they are in her land. Now free to use them to protect those she loves, Kalinda soon realizes that the demon has tainted her with a cold poison, rendering her fire uncontrollable. But the lack of control may be just what she needs to send the demon back to the darkest depths of the Void.
To take back the empire, Kalinda will ally with those she distrusts—and risk losing those most loyal to her—to defeat the demon and bring peace to a divided nation.
The 3rd book in The Hundredth Queen series by Emily R. King, The Rogue Queen's expected publication date is February 13, 2018. This was given to me as an eARC by the publishers at Netgalley. Thank you for approving my request to read this!
The development of Kalinda's character from books 1 to 3 reminds me Feyre in the ACOTAR series. One book is not enough to show how much she has changed. I loved how the women Kalinda encounters starts out her enemies but they end up being her friends. Like Natesa from the Temple, the Sister Wives and the Concubines, and the Bhuta competitors from other Kingdoms. As much as the protagonist changed for the better, she inspired change with the people she meet as well.
This book seriously broke my heart. I was crying. After all the trials our characters go through in the end Kalinda losing Deven hit me hard. I didn't mind the other stuff she lost, but these two have never really gotten a break since book one. There was always someone or something that kept taking them apart. I seriously hope there is at least 1 more book in this series where they go rescue Deven.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐