Mail Time | My First Book Depository Delivery

Ever since I got my first bookish mail back when I won a Pagehabit Subscription box, I always had to go to our Post office and pay "taxes" on my packages. Our PO is basically asking us to pay $2.60 (Php112) so that we can get packages that were supposed to be delivered for free. Yeah, that's a big eye roll. It doesn't seem like it's a lot of money but it's still money that would have gone into buying another book. Rant over. LOL.

Anyway, I was really surprised when I got home yesterday and saw my son's note that I had to sign something from school and that I had a package. I was like "What Package?". And then I saw it.

It's form Book Depository. I was like..

I have membership with Book Depository but I've never actually ordered from them before (I'm a cheapskate). The story how I got this book from BD is I have a blogger friend who gave me a heads up that I could request this new book from Trash Dogs Media and they were very receptive to requests. 

(Shout out to Joel of Descendant of Poseidon Reads. Check out his blog!

It never hurt to try so I sent them an email. They did grant my request to get a review copy of the book but the formats they had didn't work for my devices and they couldn't (or don't) send eBooks by email. They told me they were just waiting for the book to become available in Book Depository and they would send me a physical copy instead. And like usual, I completely forgot about it until the package came.

A Book Depository Bookmark to add to my collection.

And here's the book!

Yes you probably guessed right. It's a retelling or re-imagining of Peter Pan. Not sure if Peter is actually here though. Haha. I'll find out when I finally get to read it. 

I forgot to mention - it's a hard cover copy. 

Look at those chapter designs. I can't wait to read this!


Who are the authors?

As a child, Erin fell in love with llamas and with the books of Anne McCaffrey, whose Dragonriders of Pern series inspired her to become a writer. When she finally met Anne McCaffrey at a fantasy convention some two decades later, she wept uncontrollably throughout the entire affair. She does significantly better with llamas.

Steven Brown spent his childhood reading anything he could get his hands on, sharing his favorite stories with his younger brothers and then acting them out, especially if this required sword fighting on horseback. When they ran out of books, he wrote his own, including his brothers as the main characters by sketching original illustrations on magazine clippings.

Together, they are Dragon Authors, writing science fiction and fantasy novels for teens and adults. You can find them at / /

This book came out in July 2017 and you can get it by clicking on the link below
Review coming soon!

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