Mail Time | Better Late Than Never

The perks of being a member of the book blogging community is I get to be introduced to authors who would love for me to read their books. Thanks to Lilyn G @ScifiandScary, I got to meet one such author.

We got to talking around January about her sending me a copy of her book then we both completely forgot about it. LOL. And then we both remembered and I got the book in record time.

I remember  Lilyn G asking if I liked the movie Wall-E because the book was kinda like it. Good thing I actually adore that movie and I am not one to say no to getting more books to read and review.

No one is going to tell me that is not cute.

I got a note from the author saying how sorry she was that it was late. And she added in these cool post cards too. I didn't really mind that it was late. Better than never right?

I am so loving the Sci-Fi vibe. This genre would be my 2nd favorite next to Fantasy. It's my guilty pleasure.

Who is the author?

J.B. Rockwell is a New Englander, which is important to note because it means she's (a) hard headed, (b) frequently stubborn, and (c) prone to fits of snarky sarcasticness. As a kid she subsisted on a steady diet of fairy tales, folklore, mythology augmented by generous helpings of science fiction and fantasy. As a quasi-adult she dreamed of being the next Indiana Jones and even pursued (and earned!) a degree in anthropology. Unfortunately, those dreams of being an archaeologist didn't quite work out. Through a series of twists and turns (involving cats, a marriage, and a SCUBA certification, amongst other things) she ended up working in IT for the U.S. Coast Guard and now writes the types of books she used to read. Not a bad ending for an Indiana Jones wannabe... [1]


This book came out in February 05, 2016 and you can get it by clicking on the link below. Review coming soon!


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