Bookish Musings: Hardcover vs. Paperback?

I've been collecting books since I was young. Over the years I've owned and collected a myriad of hardcovers and paperbacks that I eventually called my room at my mom's house a jungle, books are literally everywhere (LOL..TMI). But in the last 5 years that I've been on my own I've bought mostly paperback books, and either won or got sent a hardcover book for review. Let's talk about Hardcovers versus Paperbacks.

What's the difference?

Hardcovers or hardbound books have, well, literally a hard cover. They are made with thick protective cover, with usually a paper or leather dust jacket over the main cover. These books are built to last - they don't get damaged easily and the paper used is the long lasting acid free type. Hardcovers are also usually released first and are great for collecting (looks great on shelves especially if they are a set). Because of the cover these books are usually bigger and heavier. They are also much more expensive.

Paperback books on the other hand are made with a cardboard type cover and are most often produced smaller than hardcovers. Paperbacks are released sometimes a few months after the hardcovers as a marketing boost and they come much cheaper than the hardcovers. These books are usually massed produced and are smaller and lighter to carry.

I Prefer...



So there goes. Although I have a bigger preference to hardcover I guess I don't really mind whether a book is hardcover or paperback as long as I get to own and read them. And then of course there is the matter of e-books and audio books which I will be discussing in a separate post.

What do you think? Which type do you normally prefer when buying or reading?


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