A Life Update: Summer State of Mind

I am currently sitting in front of my Boo's laptop (mine is still dead), 2 fans at highest setting blowing warm air, and a big jug of ice cold water quickly warming up beside me. For my readers in the Philippines, you know what I'm talking about - Summer. While I am sweltering in this heat, I am slowly typing and deleting and typing again, I thought I'd share you what I've been up to recently.

Subtler than purple elephants in the room.

It's not so much as glaring change yet but I have gotten a lot more busy with work recently. Interviews left and right, new responsibilities, new stuff to learn about.  I am taking it 1 task at a time and keeping my expectations to a minimum. Overall, I've had to wear blazers and heels almost everyday for the past 3 weeks and my laid back sneakers style is sorely missed. It's a fun change of pace.

The modern woman.

The demands of having a full time job and being a mom and a partner isn't easy. This adulting sh*t is real I tell you. Recently my Boo has been to the ER twice in 1 week - for a stomach bug and a broken arm. So I am also a caregiver on top of everything else. I might have been running on fumes for the better part of the last 2 weeks, and this heat isn't helping any. This is also one of the reasons why I haven't been blogging for the past 9 days.



We only have 2 seasons in my country - Wet and Dry. For the better part of the year from March to June it's the dry Summer season and the temperatures go as high as 100.4 F (or higher..yes higher). Right now it's still Summer and I am dreaming of going to the beach (which we have planned for the last week of the month..Yay!)

Seriously, this heat is ridiculous. We can't do anything about it yet for the lack of a better air conditioning system. As of writing this I have already had 3 showers in the past 2 hours. 

School's Out.

Good news for the teen is School is out for the next month. Unlike regular schools who get at least 2 month of summer vacation my son's school only stops for a month. Time to sleep as much as he wants without forgetting he has chores to do. Hehe. Sometimes I wish I could go on a month long holiday too to recharge and get more reading and blogging done.

What have you been up to lately?

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