Bookish Musings: My ⭐ Ratings

I wanted to share how I put star ratings on anything I review - books, movies, restaurants. I've kept it simple, or maybe not, by keeping to just 5 stars. I'm also adding some extra rating guide that I do even if I don't post it as much (especially with books I read).
I have my ratings system posted in my policy page and it does kinda speak for itself. What I want to do though is explain them in-depth to my readers (and to myself). This is how I rate.

I was thinking if I was going to start on 1 star and end in 5 or do it the other way around. Maybe for positiveness sake I will start with the 5 stars.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It was Amazing! Highly Recommended.

If that still doesn't say how I am over the top obsessively in-love with this book then I don't know what. The books I rate with 5 stars are the ones I put in my TBRR Pile (to be re-read), my go-to books when I'm on a slump and need the comfort of a familiar friend. These books have captured my mind and soul, and will forever be stamped on my heart. I've encountered a few gems in my years of reading and they are still constant companions until today. (This just game me the idea to write a post about my all time 5 star books.)

I may have given 5 stars to at least 2 movies (Beauty and the Beast Live Action and The Greatest Showman) and so far none for restaurants we've been too. 

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Really liked. Recommended Read.

I'm not too hard to please when I read books. That means I liked these books at least 80% of the time and there were only maybe a few weird moments that can be ignored and forgiven. There might not be anything wrong with the book that I noticed. The only reason why I didn't give it the 5 star treatment is because the book just didn't totally blow me away.  

I don't review movies all that much (I have a total of 2 movie reviews) so I have yet to encounter one I would give 4 stars to. Restaurants on the other hand I have. I tend to give 4 stars to restaurants if the ambiance is good, the food is delicious and filling, and the service is good. I'm thinking 4 stars might already be the highest rating I can give to restaurants.

⭐⭐⭐ Liked It. It was a good read.

You know when you're hungry and you just grab like a piece of fruit or snack on bread and jam just to get you through before actually getting a full on meal? That's a 3 star rating. Mind you, this is not a negative rating. The book is not really bad but it's so forgettable that I wouldn't even remember I read the book if I don't have a list that says so or if I haven't marked it on Goodreads as read. 

I have some movies I'm planning to watch, maybe one of them would be a 3 star. With my food analogy for the 3 stars I have to include actual full meals in restaurants that are just so-so. I may go back to the resto but not in the near future.

⭐⭐ It was Meh.

I have encountered books I've given 2 stars to. These are the what-the-heck-did-I-just-read kind of books. The grammar and word building could use a lot of work and the plot is all over the place. It just so happens that I'm already invested in reading the book that I had to finish it. And finishing is a chore. 

I'm very selective with movies that I see because I don't have that much time to see it. Some movies I see on TV that are not interesting I just switch the channel. I have encountered 2 star restaurants before. This is the lowest I can give these places because I am sure we ate there just because we didn't have choice about it and we will never go back there even if our lives are at stake. These are the resto we have regretted even trying.

⭐Horrible. Not Recommended.

I completely disliked that book that I wanted to burn it after reading it. I would also make sure to tell everyone about how bad it is. Same goes for movies and restos.


If you are a reader then you know what DNF means. If this is the first time you've encountered this word it means DO/DID NOT FINISH. Just like my 5 star rated books, I remember books I DNF because of how bad they were when I started reading them. The book might not be bad to other readers but to me it warranted not ever touching the book or advising people how worse than horrible it was. I don't write reviews for books I DNF. It wouldn't be fair to the author.

How would you describe your rating system? 
Do you use it for any other things aside from books? Drop me comment below


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