I Am The Reader Book Tag

I just finished the 3rd book in the Sea of Ink and Gold Trilogy by Traci Chee and then I found this book tag while I was going through Youtube. This tag was created by Penguin Teens in honor of the first book in the series The Reader. I might not tag anyone to do this but I am going to cross post in Twitter, so if anyone is interested in doing the tag - enjoy!

1. Choose one word that describes being a reader?

The word I'd use to describe myself as a reader is voracious. I read quite a great number of books and I can't get enough of reading unless I am in a book slump. I actually can't count how many books I've read since I got into reading in elementary school.

2. What is the first book you fell in love with?

To be honest, I can't remember. Although I had this book of fairy tales that I loved so dearly when I was younger. Sad to say I lost that book when a classmate of mine borrowed it in Uni (yes, I still had the book until I was in Uni) and never gave it back. It was the time when social media was still a bit young and I don't even remember her name anymore. But I remember falling in love with The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry the 1st time I read it.

3. Hardback or Paperback?

Hardback. I love books in any format as long as I get to read, but if given the choice when I buy or get gifted a book I always choose hardback. I do own paperback books but those I really have to take extra care of. I hate it when paperback books get bent or the cover gets creased during reading. I buy paperback if the series that I have matches.

4. How has reading shaped your identity?

I was a kid who always had a book in her hand and reading all the time. This included reading with a flashlight under my blanket and getting scolded by my mom to stop reading until late on a school night. I used to hide in the fiction section of my Uni's library when I needed peace and quiet from the regular parts of the library. At work, my colleagues always see me with a book on hand and I make sure to finish my work fast so that I get more time to read. Everyone knows I'm a Bookwyrm (worm is too small an analogy).

5. What book do you read when you need to be comforted?

I read 1 of three books when I need to be comforted - The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S Lewis, The Little Price by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, or Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling. Those are my go-to books when I have want to be comforted by an old friend.

6. Who taught you how to be a reader?

My mom and Sesame Street taught me the basics of reading when I was a toddler and I took it from there. My mom is a reader and she influenced me when I was smaller by getting me chapter books, fairy tales, etc.

7. Describe your dream reading lounge?

OMG. So my dream reading lounge is a loft type space with floor to ceiling bookshelves and a big window for natural light during the day. It has to double up as an office for me so that I can blog and do bookstagram pictures too. 

I don't like the window sofa in the picture. I'd love to have a reading chair like this maybe.

8. What book changed the way you act or see the world?

My answer is the same as number 5. Those books have left such a great impression on me that I feel as though I am a better person everyday because if them. If I feel like everything is going wrong, I re-read them and I am reminded of who I am or who I can be.

It's inspiring to be reminded of who I am as a reader. Are you like me with any of the answers in the tag? Tell me stories about how you are a a reader too.


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