It's a Pupper's Life

Hi everyone! It's me...Max. I always sees my mom on her laptop and she told me I needs to behave coz she is blogging. I smells nom...ooof.. 

Maxi...behave.. (she calls me Bubba if I am a good boi). 🐶

My mom is cooking some noms and I is being a patient pupper so I will blog for her. I don't know what my mom blogs about but today I will tells you about me.

My mom and kuya (big brother) Luis adopted me when I was only 2 months old. They love me even if I always left poopies everywhere and chewed shoes they leave on the floor. 

I will shows you when I was smol. Am I cute? Mom said I am a native Filipino Dog or Aspin (Asong Pinoy).

My mom bought me a big red bowl and I still use it now (it's not big anymore)... I smell the noms....

Mom is the noms ready?
Not yet Bubba...

So I loves to eat and sleep when I was a smol boi. (Look it's my bowl!). If it was hot I like to sits in front of the fan. Do you like my harness? It's too small to wear now.

I went to the kitchen to see if mom needs my help. Oh look it's my cat friend Sneaky. He always try to sneak and gets noms from my red bowl. But we're friends.


Mom, can I go out and play with Sneaky?
No Bubba..we're about to have lunch...

Oh yay! The noms is ready! (Mom is eating chocolate, she says I can't have some because it's bad for me)

While mom is fixing my noms I just want to tell everyone that I love getting scratchies and boops on the nose. I don't like it when mom and kuya want me to takes bathsies. I sniff everyone and they get scared because I am big boi now but mom tells them I'm a scaredy dog (I'm not, I swear!). I also know how to sits when mom tells me to. 😁

I love getting snuggles from Kuya. I miss him whenever he goes to school. Time to get me some noms. I hope you like my post everyone!  🐾

Note from Myrth: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my fur son's post. He is currently snoozing after I gave him his lunch. I will enjoy the peace and quite while he sleeps. LOL. 


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