The Self-Love Project: Simple Self-Care Practices for the Bookish Mind, Body, and Soul

It's Valentines Day tomorrow and for most of the world we will be seeing a lot of romantic gestures, couples going out on dates, etc. But I have always been convinced that Valentines day is more than that. This day is about love and more than the love we give others, we also need to remember to love ourselves.

I was planning a post about a list of self-care tips I'd like to do this year as part of a personal project to better myself. Then I realized it's Valentines Day, so why not make a post about self love instead. This year, I wanted to make my self a priority too. It's not selfish to want to look out for myself and to focus on my mental, emotional, and social health too. After almost giving up in 2018, it's time I stop neglecting myself so that I can love other people with the best of me. 

So. Below, is my list of simple self-car or self love ideas and practices that I would like to share with you. Taking a page from Marie Kondo's book - these are what Sparks Joy in me. These are the things that I normally do or that I want to do to give myself some feeling of wellness. I also encourage everyone to make a list of your own. You never know, what fulfills me might not be what fulfills you. Enjoy!

My Personal Self-Love List
  1. Snuggling in bed. It's not being lazy but more of that feeling when you are just about to go to sleep or when you just woke up on a weekend knowing that you can rest even for a little while.
  2. Getting a Manicure and/or Pedicure. I personally don't know how to do this myself and it feels so indulgent to go to a nail spa to get this done. 
  3. Getting or Buying myself flowers. I know they don't last but getting a bunch of flowers puts a smile on my face and my heart.
  4. Saying "No" to someone. 
  5. Get a Massage. I have always been getting just regular chair massages but I really want to go to a spa with all the works. 
  6. Tell my sons stories from my childhood. I do this every now and then and I feel closer to my teen after. He is always amazed at the amount of stuff going on in his family and his lineage. I hope we always  get to do this even if he starts his own life.
  7. Play with my fur son (or any other friendly pupper).
  8. Going to a place with fresh provincial air.
  9. Take a mental health day—and feel not an ounce of guilt about it. 
  10. Watch a Sunrise or a Sunset. No picture taking or selfies or social media. Just enjoying the view.
  11. Visit a Museum. I honestly have not been to one since I was a child visiting Museo Pambata, and I barely even remember that visit.
  12. Add to my stamp collection from around the world. *Geek Mode*
  13. Do absolutely nothing a few hours each day. I am looking at you social media.
  14. Buy myself a cute purple trinket. Could be a keychain, a small notebook, stickers, a pen, etc. Or basically just buying myself stuff just for fun.
  15. Go to the beach. ⛱
  16. Sing at the top of my lungs. Most especially Disney songs.
  17. Tidying up #KonMari Style. I am addicted in doing this. It's so freeing.
  18. Travel. I plan on saving up enough to go to 2 local places here in my country and 1 abroad this year.
  19. Indulge in Yutube videos or Netflix.
  20. Do something spontaneous or out of the ordinary

** I actually might have more but I will be listing those down in my Bullet Journal. The next list is specific to me being a reader and a Book Blogger. 

My Bookish Self-Love List

  1. Buying a new book. Preferably hardbound and very pretty. I want to put it in the shelf I'll be buying soon.
  2. Know when I need to take a hiatus from my blog.
  3. Read to my hearts content. This may involve no sleeping.
  4. Go to a Library or Bookstore. I wish there were good libraries in my country that I could visit. I plan on going to our National Library soon.
  5. Sit in a coffee shop alone with a good book.
  6. Plan and take Bookstagram pictures. And liking it. hihi
  7. Getting bookish mail. It could be books, book swag, etc.
  8. Arrange my books.
  9. Listening to Audiobooks. I have heard such praise for this kind of books that I want to do it so badly.
  10. Blog in peace and silence with a mug of chocolate milk.

Writing all of these down is actually distressing as well. I love that I can organize my thought and share them with you, my readers. So I threw a question in the Twiterverse about the kinds of self-care and self love people would do themselves and here are some of their answers.

Kate @yourtitakate said:
Me, I cook, water my plants, play with my cat, or watch Marie Kondo on Netflix!
I wish I could relax with plants too but I have yet to meet a plant that I have not killed. LOL. You can follow Kate's blog Your Tita Kate by clicking on the link.  

Dawn @dawndoneza said:
Just finding the time to read really, and being snuggled up in bed while reading. I find that that puts me in a much better mood.
She just described all a book lover wants! Dawn blogs at Just Dawn. and  Raising Maxie

Anna @thebbookshelf said:
I like to go back and re-read my favorite feel good books and drink my fave tea
Re-reading favorite books feels like meeting with old friends. Check out Anna's book blog The Bursting Bookshelf

Michelle @_firstbooklove said:
Definitely more time to read, a long warm bath, drinking tea, applying a face mask and chilling for 20 mins!
I think all these relaxation techniques work with a book in hand. Head on over to Michelle's blog First Book Love

Angela @sniffin_hoardin said:

I play with my dogs, do some cleaning, or lay on the grass (i legit do that 😂)
Oh to have fresh air, grass, and basically just getting out of the city.  Angela blogs at Hiding Behind Books Blog.

So what did you think about the list of self-love/self-care practices and ideas? Do you some of what we do on our list? Do you have any you do differently? How would you show yourself some love? I'd love to hear your ideas.


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