Tuesday, June 20

The Would You Rather Book Tag

I have been encountering these so called book tags everywhere and there are surprisingly good topics to be had. So for my very first book tag I chose the Would You Ever article I saw in Wattpad by skye_wolverine7.

Looks like a good way to introduce myself in the book blogging community as well. According to the article in Wattpad this is a different kind of Book Tag. So what the heck, right? Let's do this!


Read Only trilogies or stand-alone?

I am not a picky reader. I can read sagas, trilogies, duologies, or stand alone books. upside of a stand alone is I have closure at the end of the book, downside is, if it is good, I'd want more. for 2 or more book series, upside is more books to read, possibly better character development, side plots can be explored. Downside is I have to wait for at least 6 months to 2 years (max) for the next book to come out, which sucks for me  because I want to know what happens next. I guess for this question though i pick trilogies because I try to get all the books in the series first before starting to read them, and so that I don't have to wait any longer for sequels.

Read only female or male authors?

Why is this even a question here? 

Admittedly it barely registers in my head whether the author is male or female. LOL. I glance at the name and then I read the book, I enjoy the book, end of story. Besides, most author names are indistinguishable from male or female so it doesn't bother me so much.

Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?

I can only access these bookstore online and I don't shop in either. Sorry. We have local y bookstore that carry the same titles. For ebooks I ask a friend in the US to buy them for me and I have no idea where they buy it from. Probably from either of those two, I haven't really asked.

All books become movies or tv shows?

OMG. Talk about frustrating. 90% of books that were turned into movies are complete failures. They are not completely faithful to the book, and they lack the detail that are in the books. Whoever reads this please no violent reactions, this is just my own opinion. I am only familiar with 2 books that became a TV series - 13 Reasons Why and The Mortal Instruments. I have not seen either of the shows so I don't know if they are any good. I've heard feedback about 13RW though and a lot of people say it is pretty good. I think I still prefer the movie over the TV series.  

Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?

I am a fast reader, and unless I am in a reading slump (like now), I would be reading 5 books per weeks. Maybe more.

Be a potential Reviewer or author?

I already do reviews so I'd go with author. It's in my bucket list - to write my own story in Wattpad and then get is published.

Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or read new ones you haven't read before?

Books are friends who will never leave me so it's not bad to make a lot more new friends I have not read before. I can always come back to my old friends and they would not judge me for it.

Be a librarian or book seller?

Both please. 

Only read your favorite genre(s) or every genre except your favorite?

I dob't have a favorite genre. I read anything from Fantasy to Sci-fi, to Mystery to Romance, etc. I am exempt fro this. Hihi.

Only read physical books or e-books?

I love hard copies as much as everyone else, problem is I don't have space for them. I recently moved apartments and this new one did not have furniture - no shelves, plus hard copies are not cheap. So I get the cheaper ebook copies and read them on y phone using Moon+Reader pro. I get to bring a few dozen books with me wherever I go but it doesn't have the book smell I love. As long as I can read I'm fine with any format a book comes in.


So that is my very first book tag post. Enjoyed reading? Just leave me a comment below!

I am tagging Maria of Blue Lily and Blue  to do the this book tag.


  1. Heeeey love! Thanks for the tag. :)
    Also, I agree with your point about the Ebooks. They are much easier to use and move around, especially for someone like me who doesn't have much space at home. Although, I would want to have an entire room filled with boookksss! Come on! Who doesn't want that? I just posted my answers on my blog. :)

