We've all been bitten by the social media bug, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. For book lovers, posting bookstagrams (in Instagram) has become something of a cult following. Check out @theliterarybox, @thebookorder, @darkfaerietales, just to name a few of who have these amazing photos of books. I'd also think that most readers are familiar with Goodreads. Need to see reviews and ratings, go to Goodreads.
So what if you could make Goodreads and Instagram into just one app? I know, I know, not another Social Media App. But if you have an Intsgram and Goodreads account, here me out.
Introducing Litsy, created by Todd Lawton and Jeff LeBlanc, it's an app that is best described as Goodreads' and Instagram's younger and hipper cousin (or baby). Like what is says on the site, Litsy is a Social Media App that is the perfect place for readers to share and discover books, and meet a community of readers that you just can't get separately from Goodreads and Instagram.
As of today, like Snapchat, Litsy is only available via mobile devices - iOS and Android. I actually only found about about this yesterday (I can't imagine...haha) and I am already obsessed. I've been thinking of creating a bookstagram account in Instagram but this is way better.
Here is what the Profile page looks like. A lot of the people I follow actually have bookish names. Unfortunately for me I couldn't think of an apt bookish name while I was signing up and it was like 2 in the morning so sue me. LOL. By the way, the glasses under my username is the book I am currently reading. The profile page also shows Followers, Following, and Litfluence (which is my score in the community or your reach within the network for posting, getting followers, getting likes, etc. Listy FAQ says it isn't a competition and it's just fun quantitative data...riiight) .
So Litsy users can only do a few things to add content - Review a book you are reading, post the Blurb of the book you are reading or want to read, and post book Quotes. There is the option to add a picture of the book or not, and the app will not post the content without tagging the book.
Once any user has posted say a Review or a Blurb, other users can Like (Heart), Comment, Stack, or Share the post.
What's Stacking you ask? Stack is a book action of adding books to different categories like To Read, Reading, Have Read, and also the option to rate the book posted by others. Rating in Litsy is easy (well easier than the star rating system anyway), the choices are Pick (highest rating), So-so (meh), Pan (thumbs down), and Bail (lowest rating or basically just don't even attempt to read that book as it is that bad).
I'm new to Litsy so I still have a lot of stuff I haven't liked or hated yet. The best thing so far about it is it's ALL about books. To Follow my username is in the picture of the profile page. If you've taken the plunge and installed and signed up for Litsy, just comment your username and I'll follow you back!
Update: 07/29/2017 -- I just changed my Litsy Handle to @Cliste_Bella
This looks really cool! When I first heard of it, it was only available for iPhone and I have an Android so I just forgot about it. I may have to check it out now :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely! My handle in Litsy is myrth1229 and there is a thread in the FB page PageHabit Book Club where people posted their handles too.