#TopThreeTevsday - Top 3 Bookish Bucket List

I had to stop doing a lot of my weekly posts because I didn't have time with my work schedule adjusting (1:30am-10:30am..talk about Graveyard shift) and having to sleep during the day. I was doing the Top Three Tuesday, Thoughtful Thursday, and Sunday Lunch posts every week. I honestly miss cooking for my family during Sundays, but for the past 2 months we've been having family lunch/dinner at my in-laws place (meaning I just have to eat..and eat..haha). Anyway, I'm probably going to do these articles at least once a month so that I won't be too overwhelmed. 

For this Top 3 Tuesday I'm going to be talking about my bookish bucket list. I don't know if people still have (or make)  a bucket list but I definitely have one - you can check it out here. It's divided into parts of my life like Career, Travel, Life, Food Goals, etc; but I didn't have bookish category - weird. So here are my Top three Bookish Bucket List.

Top 3. Attend a Book Convention

Every book lover I know wants to do this at least once in their lives. I might have passed up going to some book conventions before because of lack of funds but that can't always be my excuse. There isn't much going on with conventions here in the Philippines but when it does happen, oh man, I have to go. And then after that I can save up to attend a book convention outside my country - it hits 2 birds with one stone (Bookish and Travel Bucket List).

Top 2.  Get a Bookish Tattoo

I have wanted a tattoo for about 4-5 years now. I don't know what's stopping me. Could be because I grew up in a conservative family, or that I'm a Christian and my mom disapproves of such an un-Christian thing? Nah..I think it's just because of my mom. Or, maybe because I'm the biggest wuss when it comes to needles? I'm not scared per se especially if I only have to do it for medical stuff, like if I really really need to go to a hospital, but being pierced multiple times to actually mark my skin, I mean I've seen videos of how the pen machine works and it just scared me. Some people have been saying that it only hurts so much and then eventually I'd want more or that it isn't painful depending on what part of the body. I just can't yet. I've been talking myself into getting one for 4 years and my best friend who absolutely abhors even the medical needles got one on her ankle. Ugh! No seriously once I get extra cash I'm going to go for it. Maybe as a birthday gift to myself in December.

On my left shoulder blade

Exactly where it shows in the Picture.

Before I tell you my top 1, I actually want to do a lot more bookish things so of course I have to list down those worth mentioning (some of them are in different categories in my bucket list):

Top 1. Have my own Library in my Own House

This is a dream that goes way back to me being a little girl and watching (or reading?) Beauty and the Beast, where Belle is given the huge library because the Beast didn't know what to do with her. It's one of the reasons why I love Barbara Cartland romances because most often than not the Prince/Duke/Earl/etc would give the girl books or the whole library. I want to be able to have my own space to read or write my book. I want to be able to take care of my books better than what I've been doing now (I can't control the dust and dog hair!). Everybody is off limits unless they want to read too or are just bringing in food so I won't die. Haha

So those are my Top 3 Bookish Bucket List. Normally I would ask people in the PageHabit Book Club what their top 3 stuff are and then randomly choose 3 people to be featured here. SInce I'm doing this only once or twice a month now I'm going to put in all the comments (there aren't that much this time).


Do you have a Bookish Bucket List? Share your own bucket list in the comments. 

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