Monday, April 9

Bookish Musings: The Mood Reader

In Literature, Mood is defined as the general feeling or atmosphere that a piece of writing creates within the reader (nerd alert!). This is also felt during and after reading a work of literature which elicits what the author's goal for their readers. Mood reading on the other hand are types of readers. If you are a reader then you probably know what I'm talking about.

Essentially there are 2 types of bookworms (there is more than one??) - the people who have preset or scheduled books to read in a certain time frame, and those who read anything on a whim. I have read other blogs discuss this and from their description I am a full fledged mood reader.

I remember being a small kid in the late 80's and there was a time when mood rings were a rage (again?). Mood rings that contain a thermochromic element, such as liquid crystal, that changes colors based upon the temperature of the finger of the wearer. Most new rings come with a color chart indicating the supposed mood of the wearer based upon the colors indicated on the ring. [1]

If mood readers had a ring it would have more than a handful of colors. LOL.

(Specifically me, but you might be able to relate)

  • I know the genres I like and I am known to hoard and binge read those books. I can even finish a few books (like maybe 2-3) in 24 hours (no sleeping, bathroom and snack breaks optional). I know which books to avoid.
  • Depending on my mood, I judge a book by it's cover. I love gazing at the covers of my books before I choose what to read.  If I am in the mood for something that looks good on the cover I add it to my TBR pile.
  • I do not have a schedule. It's hard on my blogging because I do get books I need to read and review before a certain date. I am also always behind on my Goodreads Reading Challenge
  • I hate waiting for the sequel to books because I might no longer be in the mood to read the next books.
  • I also don't finish series when the first book bored me and I will not be in the mood to keep going.
  • My TBR is never going to be finished (I find that a good thing). I still have a few thousand books from 10 years ago in the bottom of my TBR.
  • Netflix is a mood changer.
  • My reading slumps are far in between but if I am in one it will usually last for about a month.
  • During my days off from my day job I choose sleep over reading all the time. And then I read during my work week when I need sleep I read until I only have 3 hours left to sleep.
  • Buddy reading is not my thing.
  • I don't like recommending books to friends because my preference changes with my mood.
  • I might be reading a few books alternately when I don't feel what's happening in one so I start another.
  • Relaxing and reading depends on what food is available. Popcorn is for movie (Netflix) night and maybe chocolates for reading.

So those are some of my characteristics being a mood reader. I'm not sure if most of those are actually me being moody as a reader or as a woman. Haha. 

Are you a mood reader like me or do you have schedules you stick to?


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  1. Great post. I try to come up with a schedule for the books I'm planning to review on my blog but it's almost always tentative because what I'm in the mood to read changes so frequently.

    1. My blog to do (reviews) is already 4 pages long. Most of those I haven't read yet. I suck at scheduling posts. LOL.

  2. I am such a mood reader too! I totally remember loving mood rings when I was younger and they were a trend. It made me so happy that you reminded me of them. I do judge some books by their cover as well, sometimes, even though I tell myself not to xD I also really can't stick to a TBR so I don't make them anymore :P

    1. My tbr is just any random book added to a list of books I want to read. LOL. No rhyme or reason.

  3. I so relate to so many of those characteristics, especially the one about not finishing the series if the first bored me. Infact, m unable to finish the book itself if it's not interesting.

    1. Let's not start talking about books we throw out the window in a fit. LOL.

  4. I am certainly not much of a mood reader. Only 10%, i guess? I truly stick to my schedule but I only schedule the books I want to read so... I don't know.

    1. Good for you! At least you have a schedule you follow. I am hopeless when it comes to scheduling reads.
