Wednesday, May 2

Mail Time | From Singapore with Love

It has been a while since I won a giveaway and I was surprised when I won one of the prizes from a fellow blogger. The last few GA's I've won came from either the US or UK, now this prize comes from closer to home - Singapore.

I've always said the book blogging community has awesome people. One of them is, of course, the  amazing woman behind First Book Love - Michelle. Her social media links are below:

And this is what I got in the mail.

So the post lady couldn't fit it in the small slot of our tiny mailbox that she resorted to calling out my name and then just leaving the package there when no one answered. This would be the 2nd mail I got that I didn't need to pay the Post Office fee just to get my package.

This was what was inside

There was the book, a letter, and those cute things inside the plastic slip.

The letter was so sweet and these stickers (well I think they are stickers..) are sooooo cute!


The Registry (The Registry #1)
by Shannon Stoker

The Registry saved the country from collapse. But stability has come at a price. In this patriotic new America, girls are raised to be brides, sold at auction to the highest bidder. Boys are raised to be soldiers, trained by the state to fight to their death.

Nearly eighteen, beautiful Mia Morrissey excitedly awaits the beginning of her auction year. But a warning from her married older sister raises dangerous thoughts. Now, instead of going up on the block, Mia is going to escape to Mexico—and the promise of freedom.

All Mia wants is to control her own destiny—a brave and daring choice that will transform her into an enemy of the state, pursued by powerful government agents, ruthless bounty hunters, and a cunning man determined to own her . . . a man who will stop at nothing to get her back.


Thank you for dropping by. Tell me what you think of the post. 
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  1. Yay! I'm so glad the items reached you safely! I hope you enjoy the book! The little Disney things are like post it bookmarks or page tags!

    1. I knew it haha. I love them and I will be using them on my planner. Girl's gotta write down the stuff they need to blog about hihi.

      Thank you again!

  2. Those stickers are absolutely adorable! I hope you enjoy using them. This one looks and sounds like an intense thriller, and Mia doesn't sound like a character who is going to take anyone's nonsense.

    My recent post:

    1. I'm already thinking about how I can use the stickers. They are soo cute.

  3. I love book mail and giveaways. I hadn't heard of this book before but it sounds interesting.

    Lucy //

    1. I love love book mail. Or maybe mail in general as I collect unused stamps from all over the world. 😉

  4. OMG this is so awesome. Plus the cute stuff <3 My heart literally jump seeing the book over the gate, goodness
