Tuesday, June 5

Blog Tour | The Awakened by Julian Cheek

Welcome back to my blog! Today will be my stop on The Awakened Blog Tour hosted by Faye Rogers. The blurb sounds amazing and I'm hoping to be able to read this book soon. Please do check out the other blogs in this tour. 

The Awakened (Ethereal #1)
by Julian Cheek
Release Date: 5th June 2018 
Genre: YA Sci-Fi 
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing

My name is Sam. I am nothing special but apparently if I don't wake up, both this world and that other one will be destroyed. Nice One! All I wanted was to disappear into my own world and be left alone. But, No! Even THAT was taken away from me.

Well just wait. You want me to fight? I'll show you "fight."
You took the most important thing in my life away from me, and now I am coming for you.
Hidden away in your mountain stronghold, even the rocks around you will not stop me getting to you.
You started this war.
I am going to finish it!

Seventeen year old Sam just wants to be left alone! He has enough to cope with in his invisible, suburban, existence without having some fantastic and, frankly, unasked-for, alternate reality drop into his life asserting that he has powers beyond his wildest dreams. And that unless he does something, both his world, and that of Muanga-Atua, will come to a horrible end.

A terrifying episode one blustery night may be enough to start to erode the impregnable shell he thought he had built up around himself. A shell, not to keep others out, but to keep the rage in. Could he afford, as was the norm now, just to do nothing?

Julian Cheek's captivating debut novel is a compulsive read for all those who battle every day with the simple task of just wanting to be heard.


Meet the Author

Living  in  Petersfield,  Hampshire,  Julian  Cheek  has  worked  for  over  thirty  years  as  an  architect          working  on  several  major  projects  including  Mercedes  World,  a  competition  for  Battersea  Power  Station,  NikeTown  and  most  recently  a  high  rise,  Versace  branded  residential  building  in  London.  When  not  designing  he  is  embracing  his  other  creative  interests,  writing.  His  first  book,  You  should  not  wake  a  hibernating  Puff-Adder  (2011)  was  a  series  of  short  stories  inspired  by  his  childhood  growing  up  in  South  Africa.

For more details about the Author, you can visit his links below:


Monday 4th June

Tuesday 5th June

Wednesday 6th June

Thursday 7th June

Friday 8th June

Saturday 9th June

Sunday 10th June

Monday 11th June

Tuesday 12th June

Wednesday 13th June

Thursday 14th June

Friday 15th June

Sunday 17th June


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