Sunday, June 10

The Nameless Book Tag

It's already half the year done. Say what?

In 6 months time we are celebrating another Christmas, and another birthday for me. Time has flown by so fast and were already half way through the year. Changes have happened, made some mistakes, grown, learned. On this half year mark I realized there have been a lot of blessings as well. I claimed 2018 as my year and it has not disappointed me yet.

I wasn't tagged by anyone to do this but what the heck. I'll be tagging other bloggers in Twitter. 

I present, The Nameless Book Tag

What book has been on your shelf the longest?

Oh wow. That would depend on which shelf it is. The oldest book in my shelf at my moms place would be a my Perry Mason books that used to be my mom's. They been there since I was maybe the 6th grade. I don't remember what happened to the books I've had since I was a kid.

What is your current read, your last read, and the book you’ll read next?

I just finished a book this morning and have not picked up a new book to read yet. So no current read. My last read was the ARC for The Shadow Glass, the 3rd and final book in The Bone Wirtch Trilogy by Rin Chupeco. The book will come out in March of 2019 and I'm not sure how I'll review that ARC when the release date is so far off.

*picture c/o Sourcefire Books

For my next read I am choosing between The Wendy by Erin Michelle Sky and Steven Brown and Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston. Maybe I can read them at the same time?

Last page: read it first, or wait till the end?

I wait till the end. I wouldn't understand what happened anyway. Unless it's part of a series and I want to maybe take a little peek at the characters who are chatting at the end. 😉

What book did everyone like, but you hated?

I am thinking of skipping this question lest I start World War 3. There are a lot of books that many people liked but I absolutely hated. To each their own I say and I will leave it at that. As long as people read I'm good.

What book are you saving for retirement?

By the time I'm ready to retire, I'd have more time to read my ever growing TBR pile. It's enough to last me until I reach old age and maybe another lifetime. 

Last page: read it first, or wait till the end?

Definitely wait till the end. I might take a little peek but I am not going to read it completely.

Acknowledgement: waste of paper and ink, or interesting aside?

It depends on the author. Sometimes it's fun to read them but I don't always do so. There are some that are just too long so I just skip it. But's it's never a waste of paper and ink.

Which book character would you switch places with?

I read Fantasy most of the time so unless it's Hermoine from the Harry Potter books I wouldn't want to switch places with the characters I read about. But for the heck of it sure I'll list down some characters I might switch places with.
  • Tea of the Embers from The Bone Witch Trilogy. She is badass and she gets the guy
  • Alice from The Hazel Wood. I'm creepy like that.
  • Lucy from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I love those books and I love The Kings and Queens.

Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (place, time, person)?

I haven't though of this before. Maybe not a specific place, time or place but I love it when my culture is mentioned in books.

Name a book that you acquired in an interesting way.

I have a cache of stories of how I got some of my books - from hand me downs, to winning giveaway book boxes. Most of my recent books I got through giveaways or directly from authors and publishers which is such a new experience for me.

Have you ever given a book away for a special reason to a special person?

It's always the other way around, I get books for a special reason like my birthday. I do have books that I am planning to donate to Books for a Cause. I find that special enough reason to share my love of reading.

Which book has been with you most places?

My battered copies of The Little Prince and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Before I acquired my other books those 2 have been with me since I started working in the big city and it's moved with me at every city I've been to.

Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad later?

We never really had any "required reading" in highschool. We did have them in college as I was taking up English Literature. I hated Uncle Toms Cabin and I still hate it until now. Hehe.

Used or brand new?

Have you ever read a Dan Brown book?

Yes I have. The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and Origins. Dan Brown's kinda lost his touch.

Have you ever seen a movie you liked more than the book?

Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry (cookbooks included)?

Watching Yuka Kinoshita or Mark Wiens in Youtube make me hungry. I only get hungry with books when I keep reading and skip meals.

Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?

My fellow book blogger friends in the book blogging community. They have not steered me wrong yet.

Is there a book out of your comfort zone (e.g., outside your usual reading genre) that you ended up loving?

My book comfort zone has always been Fantasy but I have fall backs in Mystery, Paranormal, Sci-fi, and Thrillers.

That was one long book tag but I had fun. Tell me what you think of my answers to those questions.


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  1. so many good questions!! I may steal this one, ahah

  2. I am also gonna wait till the end to read the last page. Maybe pick a little bit lol

    1. I have to onfess I took a little peak at ACOFAS' ending. Hihi
