Thursday, June 7

Mail Time | ARCs bring happy tears to my eyes

I wanted to show you guys the books I got in the mail recently. The last book mail I got was in early May when I received the book I won from a GA hosted by Michelle of First Book Love. These ARCs are care of my Fellow Filipino Bloggers and Authors. 

If you are an International Blogger like me, you know how it feels to get these precious ARC's. It breaks my heart to hear about ARC's being sold in eBay just a few days after they are acquired at any BookCon etc. I might have ranted about that in a previous discussion post (here). Getting ARCs for me is like being entrusted with the authors hope and dreams. Selling them is just sleazy and low.

Moving on to book mail. I have always said that I love love book mail (or any mail for that matter). The feeling of opening our small mailbox (if it doesn't fit they stick it in the gate slats) or getting a knock from the courier gives me a high the same as eating that extra piece of chocolate (hihi). I'll be showing you guys the 2 newest books I got.

One of my fellow bloggers tagged me in a tweet for a Ph Book Tour of LifeL1k3 by Jay Kristoff. I though I would just get a kit or a soft copy of the book since that's what I've experienced from the previous book tours, local or international, that I've joined. 

The day I got this was epic. It was a Friday and I was lazing around after work in my rattiest (and thinest) wifebeater and boxer (which I stole from my boo) and I get a knock at the door. I thought it was just my son coming back from wherever he went off to but it was the courier guy. I had no bra on, my clothes were almost practically see through, and I could seriously feel the judgement from the delivery guy. (TMI!!!)

I just had to suck it up, grab my bathrobe and sign the delivery invoice. Good thing my boo was asleep. The book it turns out was from my fellow Filipino blogger, Rafael of The Royal Polar Bear Reads, who is running the Tour. It's so awesome to get an actual book to review for a tour. 

I eventually had to pass on the book to the next blogger on the list but it's ok. Our host is also running a GA for the books that were sent to him and I might win a copy. Yay! Watch out for the blog tour. I already scheduled the post for the 15th of June.


The next book, that I got just today, was from a Filipino author I have been stalking in Tweeter for a while now. Hehe. I've been meaning to meet Rin Chupeco and get my books signed but I always have a prior appointment whenever there is an opportunity to see her. I saw a Tweet from a fellow book blogger asking her nicely if she could possibly get a copy of the ARC of her newest book. I couldn't help myself, I asked too. And she said to DM her! 

Today as I got home I saw the courier guy (different courrier..haha) knocking at our gate. I wasn't expecting anything but my smile was so wide when I asked him who he was looking for (we live in an apartment building). And of course the package was for me. 

I only finished reading the book that came before this about a month ago (yes the review is back logged) and I was bummed I had to wait until 2019 before I get to read what happens next. Now I don't have to wait. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Do you get book mail too? What books have you gotten recently? Are you patiently waiting for your book mail to come? 


Thank you for dropping by. Tell me what you think of the post. 
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  1. I don't really get book mail.. I go to libraries and I download quite a few books instead! Yay for finding free books *throws confetti* bUT OMG you received THE SHADOW GLASS ARC!!! I'm so happy for you! I hope you like it. I haven't yet read The Heart Forger...but I am *SO* excited for you! Lots of exclamation points!!!!!!! Haha. -- Lovely post!

    1. Yes Yay for the The Shadow Glass ARC!! It's nice to stalk authors sometimes. Hehe. And it's also a plus that she's a fellow countryman and is currently living in the Big City like me. 😉

      OMG you HAVE to read The Heartforger. Right now I am in Asha heaven. 😇

  2. Aww, I am so curious to see what you guys think of LifeL1k3! Hahaha I can imagine how the courier looked at you. But hey, at least you didn't freak him out by hugging the book package. (I did that. He didn't know how to get away faster lol). I am waiting for my bookmail, hopefully it will be here soon.
    Rin Chupeco sounds like such an awesome author! Congrats on getting an ARC from her.
    And you're right, ARCs are something I cherish, since we get so few of them. It's insane seeing them being sold :(

    1. Good thing the courier was worried about our dog biting him. Because our Max is as excited for bookmail as I am. LOL.

      Yes please do check out Rin Chupeco's books. She's an awesome writer.

      There will always be people who won't care how precious ARCs are. They will be lowest of the low in my eyes.

  3. I'm laughing with this blog post! OMG. Winner. All the love. ��

  4. Ooooh this book! I swear I love the cover of Life Like!
