Thursday, July 19

A Life Update: Time for a breather

Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.


I wish I could say life has been a walk in the park lately. I've always said 2018 was my year, now here I am already more than half way through it and there have been a lot of highlights and a handful of low-lights.

Hiding in plain sight.

I am in a life slump. You know those times a work whenever we feel too burnt out or with book slump when we don't read anything because we don't have the urge to do so. Well apply that to my life. Nothing has changed but sometimes I catch myself being on auto-pilot. I go through the motions but all I'm thinking of is going to sleep and just not thinking. If you've been depressed you'd recognize the symptoms. This is also the reason why I haven't been on Social media or my blog that much.

I am a little uncomfortable because I've never written about my mental health before. People always see me as the strong and upbeat person who seems to have her sh*t together. A lot of people depend on me and sometime the burden is heavy. I don't want to admit it but I have never really told anyone that I have un-diagnosed depression and  mini anxiety attacks through out the day. If I even give a hint about being depressed or have anxiety I get those looks that say "Are you serious?" or "Yeah, sure you have depression". It's either people don't understand and think it's not a medical condition (or maybe refuse to acknowledge it) or they think it's just a phase or it's just in my head. Of course it's just in my head, that doesn't means it's not real. (Thank you Albus Dumbledore)

**and breath**

Specs appeal.

I just got new glasses. Hallelujah! The glasses that I've been wearing for exactly a year were blurring and the frames itself were so heavy on the bridge of my nose that my migraines were double the pain. The verdict was the my left eyes grade went down a notch. 

I always believed that no one needed to pay exorbitant fees to be able to function right - glasses, hearing aids, crutches, etc. But medical equipment is still a business and a lot of Optical shops bank on the fact that they are needed and people will pay top money to be able to see clearer. Not everyone has the means to get branded frames though ($60-$120 or more for frames is ridiculous), and then of course the lenses are priced separately. 

Well I got my frames for a whopping $9 ($10 including shipping). The lenses I got for $12. The doctor was even trying to sell me coated and transition lenses that could be used for people who work with computers everyday. That would have been an extra $20 or so and I just didn't have that kind of money for lenses. I settled for the regular kind. As long as I can see I'm good. 

I love my new glasses. They stay on my nose better (they don't keep sliding off) and they are so lightweight. Plus I was able to get the ones with a purple accent. It's just so me.

Immortal mode on.

It's that season of the year in my country when we get typhoons and monsoon rains that it's always, no kidding, pouring rain. The kids are back to school and the only working class who get to stay at home when it's raining are the ones who work for the government. Working in a call center and having clients from the US means we have to come to work no matter what. That is why there is a running joke that if someone works in a call center they are Immortals. When the government workers are sent home because of the torrential rains and flood, we still go to work. No one wants to get that memo and sermon from the boss.

What have you been up to lately?

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  1. I am really sorry to hear your mental health hasn't been great lately, and hopefully that is something that will be able to improve. Have you thought about getting it officially diagonsed? Sometimes they offer help and even though you might be skeptical about it you never know what might be able to help in the end :) I like the joke about Immortals! I have never experienced a monsoon before but it must be quite the ordeal getting to work in one...

    1. One of these days I plan on seeing a doctor to get my depression diagnosed and maybe get the help that I actually need for when I'm on my down days.
