Saturday, December 1

Monthly Wrap-Up | November 2018 | Giving thanks at Thanksgiving

I can't believe how fast the months are going by. Today is the 1st day of December and I'm counting down to Christmas and my birthday again (my birthday is after Christmas). My November has been a whirlwind of work, parties, and some more health issues. But I'll get to that later.


Yes I only read 4 books in November. I have been so swamped with over time at work that any extra time I had was spent in sleeping. I have written the reviews for these books minus the bookstagram picture so I haven't posted them yet. The Empress of All Season was a Book tour review that you can find here. I swear I'll take the pictures soon. I just need inspiration (say what? LOL).

Reading Challenge Status

From 100 books I had to lower my reading challenge to 90 and I am still 5 books behind. I started reading a new book last week only to have to put it aside because of work. I wish I could find a job where I get to read the books I want to read and get paid tons to do it. Haha. 

In Real Life

  • I got to go to our Business units Thanksgiving party this year. The theme was Black and Gold and I couldn't get a enough cocktails to drink. 

  • I have been on a plant based diet for about 2 months now and I feel like I have totally lost weight. I can't believe giving up sugar, gluten, and dairy would make such a big difference. I can now sleep better and I am less hungry too. 
  •  We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the Philippines and it's that time of year when people, like me,  who work at customer service get a big amount of emails and calls from people asking about their orders during Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales. Talk about out talking myself that I ended up getting a bad sore throat and a trip to the ER. Bright side of this is I got to earn more money because my boss offered open over times to any one who wanted to help out with soooo many emails.

  •  Aside from the business unit Thanksgiving party, our company also did their year end party a little early. It's another party I went to for the 1st time. I dunno what happened last year but I never went to any of these parties. My best friend now also works for the same company but a different business unit and we got to see each other. Last time I saw her was more than a year ago. We've been besties since the 5th grade. Can you believe it?

  • After work today we had a team potluck and I brought vegan fare. None of them thought it was anything but chicken before I actually told them it wasn't. Haha. The food was gone in a blink and I wasn't able to take any pictures.

  •  I've been giddy in buying a new bed and new sheets. Hihi. Who else feels excited in buying furniture? This is adulting at it's finest.

  •  Mental health wise, I am so much better. I've had less down times than I had from last month. Physical health wise, my throat hurts big time and if it get's worse or doesn't heal in a few more days I might get a tonsillectomy and I am scared sh**less.

I really do have a lot to be thankful for in November - I have people who love me, a job that sustains us, we don't grow hungry, and I am getting better day by day. What were you thankful for this past month? Hope you can share it with me in the comments. And that is the monthly wrap-up folks. Hope you enjoy getting a little peak into my life beyond being a book blogger. 


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  1. Great wrap-up! That's awesome that you're already feeling better after beginning your new diet! I hope that keeps going well for you! <3

    1. Hi Erica! Thanks for dropping by.

      I am on the rode of becoming more healthy and hopefully conceive in 2019. It's a slow process but I'm sticking to it. It's doing wondera for both my physical and mental health. 😍
