Wednesday, August 8

Mail Time | Good Things Come in Purple Packaging πŸ˜‰

The first thing I check everytime I get home  from work is whether I got one of those Post Office Notices that I have a package I need to pick up. Yesterday was mail day for this happy blogger. 😊
I think it was a month ago when I got a Tweet mention that I won a giveaway from Lauren of The Bookish Fairy (follow her!). I have joined  lot of giveaways and I don't really win that often (or at all). Winning her giveaway was a pleasant surprise. Of course when the notice from our PO came, I had to go get the package immediately. 

It came in a purple package! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

I was so giddy that the other people in our post office were kinda looking at me weird. Hehe. When the purple package came out I knew that it was mine. Even the marker she used to write my address looked purple. 😍

Inside the purple package was a hardbound copy of Slade House by David Mitchell and a cute card from Lauren. I didn't even notice when she mentioned it was a bit late. Being an International blogger I am so used to waiting 2 weeks to months for book packages to arrive. I'm thankful it gets to me.

Harbound AND signed? I feel soooo lucky.

I just noticed the design under the dust jacket. It's soooo pretty.

If you are part of the Book Twitter community you're going to be familiar with the #bookishwish phenomena. I feel like Lauren just granted a wish. She's definitely living up to her blogs name. I left a link to her blog at the top; you can also follow her in Twitter.


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  1. Oh wow, Slade House is absolutely beautiful under the dust jacket. I might love it even more without the cover on rather than anything else! I hope you enjoy reading it ^.^

    My recent post:

    1. It would be so awesome to feature the design under the dust jacket when I post in bookstagram. This is my first book that has that elaborate design.
