Thursday, August 16

Book Review | The Gilded King (Sovereign #1) by Josie Jaffrey

Blue was everything. 
Blue was safe.
 Blue was home.
How she longed to see red.
- Josie Jaffrey, The Gilded King

The Gilded King 
(Sovereign #1)
by Josie Jaffrey
Published June 25th 2018 by Josie Jaffrey
Genre: Dystopian, Young Adult, Fantasy
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

In the Blue, the world’s last city, all is not well.

Julia is stuck within its walls. She serves the nobility from a distance until she meets Lucas, a boy who believes in fairytales that Julia’s world can’t accommodate. The Blue is her prison, not her castle, and she’d escape into the trees if she didn’t know that contamination and death awaited humanity outside.

But not everyone in the Blue is human, and not everyone can be contained.

Beyond the city’s boundaries, in the wild forests of the Red, Cameron has precious little humanity left to lose. As he searches for a lost queen, he finds an enemy rising that he thought long dead. An enemy that the humans have forgotten how to fight.

One way or another, the walls of the Blue are coming down. The only question is what side you’ll be on when they do. [1] [2]


Meet the Author

Josie lives in Oxford, England, with her husband and two cats. When she’s not writing, she works as a lawyer, specialising in intellectual property and commercial law. She also runs a video book review club, The Gin Book Club, through her website. The Solis Invicti series (a prequel series to the Sovereign series) is available now. 

For additional information, contact:



I was contacted by the author and received an epub format review copy of her book in exchange for a review. I've been sent more than a handful of review requests since I updated my review policy and this is the first book that actually met my criteria. Like I told the author, it was right up my alley. This was great book to jumpstart my reading slump.

So I went into this book without knowing there was a prequel or that is was a spin off (?) which would have explained a lot of stuff. This made me confused especially in the parts where the characters seem to be alluding to something that already happened. I thought it was just how the book was written. Except it was written like it was already book 2.

It has been a while since I last read a vampire book and this one was surprisingly not your typical vampire story. There are 2 POV's that split into their own paths, and by the end of the book those paths are showing to merge eventually. I seriously thought there might be something that could happen with Julia and Cameron but they never even met in the entire book. I love how Julia is the wilting violet type and her best friend doesn't seem like a lost cause either. Cameron on the other hand was a treat. I just hate that people keep betraying him.

The setting is so dystopian the world barely remembers technology, except for the once who have been living for so long that they remember everything. Who knew that the cure for the walking dead could also cure the undead.

Overall I enjoyed reading this book, sans the parts I wish I knew before hand (maybe from reading the prequel, etc). I would definitely recommend you pick up this authors other books as well as this series.


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