Monday, October 1

Monthly Wrap-Up | September 2018 | On Books, Book Fair, Book Haul and Birthday!

I know I haven't been around lately. I've been trying to get my anxiety and depression under control and I might have gone on a little impromptu hiatus from blogging. The bright side to that is I feel a lot better and I've been able to read some of my books (Yay!).

So I have decided to start doing monthly wrap-ups in lieu of posting life updates so that at least I have 1 constant post every month. The wrap-up will come out on the 1st day of the new month following the wrap up month. The wrap up will have books, movies, and whatever else filled my month.

(As I was typing this I heard my beep, I checked the notification, lay in bed and promptly fell asleep. LOL)

Let's get on with it, shall we?


I have Netgalley to thank for some of these wonderful ARCs. I seriously need to put my self in a book request ban from that site. But every time I need to leave a feedback I have to check the new books available for request. It's an endless cycle. I can't help it. I just requested a couple more books last night. 

My mini Reviews for The Dark Beneath the Ice, How to Fracture a Fairytale, and Toxic can be found here. The next 2 mini reviews are posted here

I got Wildcard at the beginning of September courtesy of a fellow book blogger for a PH Blog Tour and my tour stop is here.

Book Fair and Book Haul!

Every September the Manila International Book Fair happens and this is the 2nd year in a row that I was able to go (huzah!). As usual. I had work for the 1st 5 days of the fair so we braved the onslaught of people on the last day. We were able to do some book shopping at National Bookstores Book Binge Bazaar (the books were soo cheap!), I was able to make believe I was in Hogwarts and we even met a famous cartoonist in our country. My boo has been a fan of Pol Medina forever and he was just a fanboy getting Pol's latest book signed.

And of course, here is my book haul. I got all the books for roughly $11. The 2 kids books below are for my Niece. I need to get more kids books for her and my youngest son (7 and 6 years old respectively). I'm breaking out Origin right now to read.

Reading Challenge Status

I am 12 books behind  in my Goodreads reading challenge. I think there was a month where I literally did not finish any of the books I read or if I did finish them it already crossed over into the next month. I'm still hoping to be able to reach my goal of 100 books this year. Keeping my fingers crossed.


In between reading books I try to squeeze in some movie time right before I go to sleep, and here are the 3 movies I was able to see so far.

I have to say that the only movie I didn't enjoy out of the 3 was The Little Mermaid. It was B Rated at best and the acting wasn't that good. A Wrinkle in Time was as usual a condensed version of the book. My favorite part of Oceans 8 was the last part when Anne Hathaway joined the motley crew.

In Real Life

  • I got my very first Ko-Fi! 
  • My eldest son turned 16 this month. Having a teenager in the family is hard work - a lot of whining and complaining, stinky socks and junk food. But seeing how happy he was when we were celebrating makes me feel that everything is always worth it
  • Work has been a little monotonous. That's adulting for me. 
  • Having had a bad month with my mental health I have decided to start doing a little exercise and diet again. Cut out the bad food and do some easy work out routines. Hopefully this will help me get out of my funk and be motivated to do what I love to do more.

That's a wrap for my September wrap-up folks! I hope you enjoyed reading my updated. Make sure to watch out for these monthly updates from now on. I'd love to hear from you guys!


Thank you for dropping by. Tell me what you think of the post. 
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  1. So sorry to hear your having a hard time! Always make sure to take care of yourself first, blogging second! <3 We'll all be here for you! Let me know if there's anything I can do or if you just need to vent! <3
